Battery Kit for Scoprega Bravo GE BP-1 and GE BTP-1 / GE BTP-2 Electric Inflator Pumps
We can deliver this to the following destinations
Ships to UK
We can deliver this to the following destinations
Ships to UK
We are currently out of stock of this item but new stock is expected to arrive with us late September. If you wish to reserve a battery, please do order and we will dispatch your full order as soon as we can.
Make your Scoprega Bravo GE BP-1 and GE BTP-1 / GE BTP-2 portable with this battery kit.
Manufactured by Scoprega - part number K6131295
This product is identified as "Dangerous Goods" and cannot be shipped by Royal Mail. We have to use a specific courier service for this product.
We can only ship this product to UK (including Highlands and Islands), Channel Islands and Isle of Man.